Is your partner, husband, wife, seeing someone else? You may be away from home or you may have separated or divorced. Confirmation could be of interest or it could be crucial to court proceedings or negotiations with your partner.
The best way to find out is surveillance. This is an expensive option, but is the only means to find out what is really going on, where they are going, what they are doing, who they meet, backed up with video evidence where possible.
If there is an affair, the photographic evidences cannot be denied when presented directly to your partner, or in court.
When making enquiries, we need to know where surveillance is to take place.
Third Party Investigations
Once you suspect your wife or husband is seeing someone else. We can not only help to find that person but also carry out background checks to examine their past history and present employment, income level, house value or rent, interests, pastimes and contact details for you.
ADULTERY EVIDENCE once confirmed can lead to convincing the Court that your marriage has irretrievable broken down. The Petitioner must prove that one or more of the following actions consisting of Bigamy, Polygamy and Co-habitation are Committed. The Petitioner initially requires evidence that the respondent has committed adultery and secondly, that He/She finds it intolerable to live with the Respondent. Unreasonable Behaviour requires the Petitioner to prove that as a result of a certain course of behaviour on the Respondent’s part; He/She cannot reasonably be expected to continue to Live with Him/Her. In a divorce proceeding, the parties may apply for Maintenance, Custody of Children and make a claim for a share of the Matrimonial Asset.